Clinics We Offer

Chronic Disease Clinics
We have a range of clinics to assess and support people with specific illnesses such as Asthma, COPD, Diabetes, Hypertension and Epilepsy.
Nurse Practitioner Clinics
The practice is pleased to announce that Lisa Gordon & Carol Robertson, Gemma Courtley, Advanced Nurse Practitioners are able to help with offering on the day appointments and are doing clinics at both our Kincorth & Cove surgeries. They are able to deal with acute conditions such as chest infections, ear and throat conditions and is able to issue prescriptions where clinically indicated.
Please fill out an eConsult to request an appointment. They are not able to treat pregnant women or any patient for mental health conditions.

Family Planning Services
All our Doctors are trained to give confidential advice on contraception. In addition, Dr Mackenzie also advises on and fits coils (IUCD). Nurse Vicky Robb can insert and remove contraceptive implants. If you have any queries, please ask at reception. If you are thinking about having a baby, we recommend that you see a Doctor first for some advice and basic health checks.
Cervical Smears
All women between the ages of 25 and 64 years (except those who have undergone a hysterectomy) are invited to attend for a cervical smear. The frequency of cervical screening is every three years from age 25 to 49 and every five years for women who are 50 to 64 years of age.
Maternity Medical Services
Midwife clinics run at both of our surgeries in conjunction with Aberdeen Maternity Hospital. Please ask at reception for more details.

Child Health Surveillance
The first surveillance check is carried out at eight weeks of age by several of our Doctors. You should receive an invitation for these clinics when your baby is first registered with the practice at birth. Please contact the surgery on the usual surgery numbers if you are unsure of your appointment. Subsequent checks at eight months and onwards are performed by the health visitors. They can be contacted on 01224 846828.

Minor Surgery
Various minor surgical procedures such as the removal of benign moles, cysts and ingrowing toenails can be undertaken at the surgery under local anaesthetic. These are done by Dr Henderson. Please fill out an eConsult for a GP to assess your problem and, if it is suitable, a minor operation appointment will be made for you. More difficult procedures will be referred to the hospital surgeons.
Patient Self-Referral to Physiotherapy Service
We now have Physiotherapists who work at our practice. Patients fill out an eConsult if they feel they require to speak to or see a Physiotherapist.